VBA Code
Sub create_sheets()
Sheets.Add.Name = "gender"
Sheets.Add.Name = "country"
get_data ("gender")
get_data ("country")
End Sub
Sub get_data(sheet_name As String)
'--- Declare Variables to store the connection, the result and the SQL query
Dim connection As Object, result As Object, sql As String, recordCount As Long
'--- Connect to the current datasource of the Excel file
Set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With connection
.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
End With
Dim d1, r1 As Long
'get the last row with data
r1 = Worksheets(sheet_name).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'clear old content
Worksheets("country").Range("A2:h" & r1).ClearContents
'get the last row with data
d1 = Worksheets("data").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'--- Write the SQL Query
If sheet_name = "country" Then
sql = "SELECT * FROM [data$a1:h" & d1 & "] where country_code='US' "
ElseIf sheet_name = "gender" Then
sql = "SELECT * FROM [data$a1:h" & d1 & "] where gender='Male' "
End If
'--- Run the SQL query
Set result = connection.Execute(sql)
'copy header
Sheets("data").Range("1:1").Copy Sheets(sheet_name).Range("1:1")
recordCount = 1
'--- Fetch information
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 7
Worksheets(sheet_name).Cells(recordCount + 1, i + 1).Value = result(i)
Next i
'insert data > id
'Worksheets("country").Cells(recordCount + 1, 1).Value = result(0)
recordCount = recordCount + 1
Loop Until result.EOF
End Sub