If you ever wanted to convert numbers into words in JavaScript, this will help you.

Demo - Convert Number Into Words

Convert To Word

JavaScript Code To Convert Numbers Into Words


//--->number to word > start

    var root = typeof self == 'object' && self.self === self && self ||
        typeof global == 'object' && global.global === global && global ||

	// Simplified https://gist.github.com/marlun78/885eb0021e980c6ce0fb
	function isFinite(value) {
	    return !(typeof value !== 'number' || value !== value || value === Infinity || value === -Infinity);

	var ENDS_WITH_DOUBLE_ZERO_PATTERN = /(hundred|thousand|(m|b|tr|quadr)illion)$/;
	var ENDS_WITH_TEEN_PATTERN = /teen$/;
	var ENDS_WITH_Y_PATTERN = /y$/;
	var ENDS_WITH_ZERO_THROUGH_TWELVE_PATTERN = /(zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten|eleven|twelve)$/;
	var ordinalLessThanThirteen = {
	    zero: 'zeroth',
	    one: 'first',
	    two: 'second',
	    three: 'third',
	    four: 'fourth',
	    five: 'fifth',
	    six: 'sixth',
	    seven: 'seventh',
	    eight: 'eighth',
	    nine: 'ninth',
	    ten: 'tenth',
	    eleven: 'eleventh',
	    twelve: 'twelfth'

	 * Converts a number-word into an ordinal number-word.
	 * @example makeOrdinal('one') => 'first'
	 * @param {string} words
	 * @returns {string}
	function makeOrdinal(words) {
	    // Ends with *00 (100, 1000, etc.) or *teen (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)
	    if (ENDS_WITH_DOUBLE_ZERO_PATTERN.test(words) || ENDS_WITH_TEEN_PATTERN.test(words)) {
	        return words + 'th';
	    // Ends with *y (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90)
	    else if (ENDS_WITH_Y_PATTERN.test(words)) {
	        return words.replace(ENDS_WITH_Y_PATTERN, 'ieth');
	    // Ends with one through twelve
	    else if (ENDS_WITH_ZERO_THROUGH_TWELVE_PATTERN.test(words)) {
	        return words.replace(ENDS_WITH_ZERO_THROUGH_TWELVE_PATTERN, replaceWithOrdinalVariant);
	    return words;

	function replaceWithOrdinalVariant(match, numberWord) {
	    return ordinalLessThanThirteen[numberWord];

	 * Converts an integer into a string with an ordinal postfix.
	 * If number is decimal, the decimals will be removed.
	 * @example toOrdinal(12) => '12th'
	 * @param {number|string} number
	 * @returns {string}
	function toOrdinal(number) {
	    var num = parseInt(number, 10);
	    if (!isFinite(num)) throw new TypeError('Not a finite number: ' + number + ' (' + typeof number + ')');
	    var str = String(num);
	    var lastTwoDigits = num % 100;
	    var betweenElevenAndThirteen = lastTwoDigits >= 11 && lastTwoDigits <= 13;
	    var lastChar = str.charAt(str.length - 1);
	    return str + (betweenElevenAndThirteen ? 'th'
	            : lastChar === '1' ? 'st'
	            : lastChar === '2' ? 'nd'
	            : lastChar === '3' ? 'rd'
	            : 'th');

	var TEN = 10;
	var ONE_HUNDRED = 100;
	var ONE_THOUSAND = 1000;
	var ONE_MILLION = 1000000;
	var ONE_BILLION = 1000000000;           // (9)
	var ONE_TRILLION = 1000000000000;       // (12)
	var ONE_QUADRILLION = 1000000000000000; // (15)
	var MAX = 9007199254740992;             // (15)

	    'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten',
	    'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'

	    'zero', 'ten', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'

	 * Converts an integer into words.
	 * If number is decimal, the decimals will be removed.
	 * @example toWords(12) => 'twelve'
	 * @param {number|string} number
	 * @param {boolean} [asOrdinal] - Deprecated, use toWordsOrdinal() instead!
	 * @returns {string}
	function toWords(number, asOrdinal) {
	    var words;
	    var num = parseInt(number, 10);
	    if (!isFinite(num)) throw new TypeError('Not a finite number: ' + number + ' (' + typeof number + ')');
	    words = generateWords(num);
	    return asOrdinal ? makeOrdinal(words) : words;

	function generateWords(number) {
	    var remainder, word,
	        words = arguments[1];

	    // We’re done
	    if (number === 0) {
	        return !words ? 'zero' : words.join(' ').replace(/,$/, '');
	    // First run
	    if (!words) {
	        words = [];
	    // If negative, prepend “minus”
	    if (number < 0) {
	        number = Math.abs(number);

	    if (number < 20) {
	        remainder = 0;
	        word = LESS_THAN_TWENTY[number];

	    } else if (number < ONE_HUNDRED) {
	        remainder = number % TEN;
	        word = TENTHS_LESS_THAN_HUNDRED[Math.floor(number / TEN)];
	        // In case of remainder, we need to handle it here to be able to add the “-”
	        if (remainder) {
	            word += '-' + LESS_THAN_TWENTY[remainder];
	            remainder = 0;

	    } else if (number < ONE_THOUSAND) {
	        remainder = number % ONE_HUNDRED;
	        word = generateWords(Math.floor(number / ONE_HUNDRED)) + ' hundred';

	    } else if (number < ONE_MILLION) {
	        remainder = number % ONE_THOUSAND;
	        word = generateWords(Math.floor(number / ONE_THOUSAND)) + ' thousand,';

	    } else if (number < ONE_BILLION) {
	        remainder = number % ONE_MILLION;
	        word = generateWords(Math.floor(number / ONE_MILLION)) + ' million,';

	    } else if (number < ONE_TRILLION) {
	        remainder = number % ONE_BILLION;
	        word = generateWords(Math.floor(number / ONE_BILLION)) + ' billion,';

	    } else if (number < ONE_QUADRILLION) {
	        remainder = number % ONE_TRILLION;
	        word = generateWords(Math.floor(number / ONE_TRILLION)) + ' trillion,';

	    } else if (number <= MAX) {
	        remainder = number % ONE_QUADRILLION;
	        word = generateWords(Math.floor(number / ONE_QUADRILLION)) +
	        ' quadrillion,';

	    return generateWords(remainder, words);

	 * Converts a number into ordinal words.
	 * @example toWordsOrdinal(12) => 'twelfth'
	 * @param {number|string} number
	 * @returns {string}
	function toWordsOrdinal(number) {
	    var words = toWords(number);
	    return makeOrdinal(words);

    var numberToWords = {
        toOrdinal: toOrdinal,
        toWords: toWords,
        toWordsOrdinal: toWordsOrdinal

    if (typeof exports != 'undefined') {
        if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) {
            exports = module.exports = numberToWords;
        exports.numberToWords = numberToWords;
    } else {
        root.numberToWords = numberToWords;

//--->number to word > end

How To Use It



		$(document).on('click', '.btn_get_word', function(event) 
			var get_num = $('.get_num').val();

				//will convert numbers into words:
				var num_to_words = toWords(get_num);
				var d = '<div class="num_converted text-success bg-primary" style="padding:5px;">'+num_to_words+'</div>'



Hope this helps you in your projects... 





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