There are several things you can do to keep your hard earned website ranking.

One of them being, adding “no follow” to all of your external links. But adding them manually could be a pain in the butt.

For Non-Wordpress Sites Adding No Follow

Just add the following code to your header and it will automatically add no follow and open all of the external links in a new window. Where it says “yoursitename”, type in your site name there.

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();


 $j("a[href^='http']:not([href*=''])").attr("rel", "nofollow");
 $j("a[href^='http']:not([href*=''])").attr("target", "_blank");



For WordPress Sites Adding No Follow

You can either use the following code as you like

Plugin Name: Keep Site Rank
Plugin URI:
Description: This wordpress plugin will automatically add the necessary code (rel="nofollow" and target="_blank") to all 
of your wordpress posts and pages for all of your external links. This way you can keep your site rank.
Version: 2015.04.20
Author: Mark Kumar
Author URI:
License: GPL2

//load up jQuery


add_filter( 'wp_head', 'codewithmark_jQryNoFollow');

function codewithmark_jQryNoFollow()
 $site_url = codewithmark_get_base_url(get_site_url()); 

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
 $j("a[href^='http']:not([href*='<? echo ($site_url) ?>'])").attr("rel", "follow");
 $j("a[href^='http']:not([href*='<? echo ($site_url) ?>'])").attr("target", "_blank");


function codewithmark_get_base_url($url) 
 //This function will take "" and make it into "
 $input = trim($url, '/');
 if (!preg_match('#^http(s)?://#', $input)) 
 $input = 'http://' . $input;
 $urlParts = parse_url($input); 
 //$urlParts =$input ;
 // remove www
 $domain = preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $urlParts['host']); 
 return $domain;

Download (Nofollow WordPress Plugin)


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