This guide covers installing MongoDB Community Edition requires Windows Server 2008 R2. This installation should work for all of the windows platform. 

MongoDB's .msi installer includes all other software dependencies and will automatically upgrade any older version of MongoDB installed using an .msi file.

Download the latest version of MongoDB.

Run the MongoDB Installer

Assuming you have downloaded the MongoDB installer, next, you will need to install it on your PC.

The installer is a pretty typical Wizard interface for installing software on Windows - there are a few steps to it, but you can have it done in a few minutes.

You can get through it by following the guide below:

1) Welcome to the MongoDB Setup Wizard

Select Next

2) End-User License Agreement (EULA)

Check I accept the terms in the License Agreement

Select Next

3) Custom Folder

Select custom

Select browse

From "Look In" Select dropdown box

Goto Your C Drive and create a new folder: mongodb

In the mongodb folder, create a new folder: log

In the mongodb folder, create a new folder: data

In the data folder, create a new folder: db

Navigate back to : c:\mongodb

Select: ok

Select Next

4) Ready to install Node.js

Select Install

Note: This step requires Administrator privileges.  If prompted, authenticate as an Administrator

5) Installing MongoDB

Let the installer run to completion

6) Completed the MongoDB Setup Wizard

Click Finish

7) Open a command prompt and direct it to directory - C:\mongodb\bin

8) Run MongoDB as a service so it can continually run in the background.

In your command prompt, type:

mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath C:\mongodb\data\db --logpath C:\mongodb\log\mongo.log --logappend --rest --install

Now your command prompt should look like:

C:\mongodb\bin\mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath C:\mongodb\data\db --logpath C:\mongodb\log\mongo.log --logappend --rest --install n

Next hit: enter

To start the service, type in: net start MongoDB

Next hit: enter

9) To see all of the  MongoDB databases that are already installed

Type in: mongo  (your command prompt will look lik: C:\mongodb\bin>mongo)

Next hit: enter

Type in: show dbs (your command prompt will look lik: > show dbs)





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