I am not sure if you ever come across this scenario or not.

I was working on a project in which I was making an Ajax call to submit form data. However, if a user hit the enter key while being in an input field, the whole page was reloading.

Instead, I wanted jquery to trigger that enter key pressed and then call the submit process where I would validate the form data.

 jQuery Enter Key Plugin that worked for me:

$.fn.enterKey = function (fnc) 
    return this.each(function () 
        $(this).keypress(function (ev) 
            var keycode = (ev.keyCode ? ev.keyCode : ev.which);
            if (keycode == '13') 
                fnc.call(this, ev);

 How to use jQuery Enter Key Plugin

$('#YourElementID').enterKey(function (e) 
  //prevent the page from reloading 
  //Call the submit process

$('.YourElementClassName').enterKey(function (e) 
  //prevent the page from reloading 
  //Call the submit process

For my project I added a class("UserForm") to all my input fields. This way the enter key jquery plugin would trigger no matter which field my user was in it.

$(".UserForm").enterKey(function (e) 
  //prevent the page from reloading 
  //Call the submit process

Try this small enter key jquery plugin in your projects





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